Kelompok Tani Ternak Salira Leuwiseeng

Tips supados teu aya sa-urang ogé nu tiasa nga-bajak akun facebook kamu

Posted by SALIRA GROUP on Thursday, January 21, 2016


1. masuk ka

2. klik di bagian "Login Approvals - Use your phone as an extra layer of security to keep other people from logging into your account"

3. teras Engké muncul "Login Approvals - Require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers" - kasih ceklist & klik waé

4. muncul kotak dialog kieu kata2 na:
What are Login Approvals?
Login Approvals is an extra layer of security that uses your phone to protect your account.
How it works
- When logging in from an unknown browser, you'll need a security code.
- You can only get security codes from your phone.
- By entering the code, you can prove that it's really you trying to log in.

5. klik tombol "get started". langsung muncul babacaan salajengna:
Set Up Your Phone's Security Codes
What kind of phone do you use?
- Android, iPhone or iPod Touch
- Other
Pilih wae "Other", pami bingung tipe hp naon nu urang mah.

6. ké bakal sumping sms konfirmasi.
lebetkeun kana kotak isian salajengna:
- Alternate Security Code Delivery
- We texted you a confirmation code at 0853-****-****. Please enter it below.
- It can sometimes take a few minutes to receive the code.

7. tah, pami leres masukeun kode na, langsung muncul alert/pemberitahuan: "It worked!"

8. teras muncul kotak dialog baru, kieu:
- Login Approvals Setup Is Complete
- Whenever a login is attempted from an unknown browser, we'll now ask for a security code.
- For the first week, in case you don't have your phone, you can turn off Login Approvals without a security code.
- No thanks, require a code right away.

9. pasihan cek list waé kana tulisan "No thanks, require a code right away." supados sistem proteksi login akun fb kamu langsung aktif.

Tah, ayeuna mah, satiap kamu login ka FB kamu, tina komputer atanapi hp anu béda alamat ip-addressna,
maka bakal aya sumping sms ti FB kana hp kamu, ménta ngasupkeun kode keamanan login fb téa.
janten langkung aman akun FB kamu, masing nu rék ngabajak terangeun alamat email/no.hp + password kamu ogé.

gampil koq...

» Thanks for reading: Tips supados teu aya sa-urang ogé nu tiasa nga-bajak akun facebook kamu

Related Posts Updated at: Thursday, January 21, 2016
Kelompok Tani Ternak Salira Leuwiseeng